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Simple to use Quick to learn Company Secretary Software for HKSAR
Designed for the needs of Company Secretary, Solicitor & Accountant

Products > ProSec > Sample Files

Sample Documents for
Incorporation of Hong Kong Company

Sample Files generated by ProSec

This sample file is in PDF format while the original documents in Microsoft WORD format. Typical procedures for creating the above documents are as follow (time in brackets for each of the procedures is the estimated time for completion, please try and verify by yourself) :-


Add a new client and input the basic data of the client including select address from the address database file. Enter any part of the address to search for the address (e.g. ˇ§1502ˇ¨ for the address ˇ§Room 1502A, Wing On HouseˇKˇKˇ¨. All addresses containing ˇ§1502ˇ¨ would be displayed for selection.). Add a new one if not exist. Input all other basic information of the Proposed Company. ˇ@

2 Minutes


Select witnesses to signatures of subscribers from the entities database file, add new ones if not exist.ˇ@

30 Seconds


Input authorized capital.

15 Seconds


Select entities from the entity database file for first directors. Enter any part of the surname or given name of the entities to search for the entities (e.g. ˇ§Borˇ¨ for ˇ§Chan Kin Borˇ¨, all names containing ˇ§Borˇ¨ would be displayed for selection). Add new ones if not exist.  Select addresses of entities from the address database file, add new ones if not exist. Input all other information of the directors.

1 Minute


Select entities form the entity database file for subscribers (Normally same as directors).

15 Seconds


Select entities from the entity database file for first secretary of the Proposed Company.

15 Seconds


Select registered office of the Proposed Company from the address database file (Normally same as address of the Proposed Company).

15 Seconds


Print a summary report for all data input and check against those raw data collected from client for the Proposed Company.

2 Minutes


Select documents for print out and print the documents.

2 Minutes


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