










Windows 7



Simple to use Quick to learn Company Secretary Software for HKSAR
Designed for the needs of Company Secretary, Solicitor & Accountant

Products > ProSec

ProSec is a premium piece of company secretarial software that works in harmony with Microsoft Word to handle all of your business needs.

As an intelligent document management system, ProSec not only performs the task of an expertly trained secretary at a fraction of the cost, but produces documents and reports for all aspects of your business.

Unlike software companies who provide passive systems, ComsecSoftˇ¦s ProSec solution is capable of actively tracking and analyzing a huge range of data. Indeed, ProSec is not just a virtual assistant working as a secretarial software solution; itˇ¦s an overall business solution capable of producing documentation for aspects of your business.

Whatˇ¦s more, ProSec is a FREE document management system and will only cost you a small monthly maintenance fee.

So what features does ProSec provide?

1. With the click of just one button you can instantly transfer you annual financial returns from a Word document to ProSecˇ¦s database. The softwareˇ¦s simple selection and transference tool means that your data is transferred without fuss or error.
2. ProSec makes it simple to track which clients are due to pay their annual returns. By running a simple report, ProSec will generate list of those who are due to pay, as well as an annual return form for each client.
3. ProSec will actively tells you annual return of which clients are prepared but not yet filed with the Companies Registry, you can go directly to the clientˇ¦s folder to input the date of filing (if already filed) by a simple click on the list;
4. In addition to highlighting which clients are due to submit annual returns, ProSec has the ability to alert you when clients are overdue on their registry documents. By accessing a clientˇ¦s folder, you will instantly be able to see which information they are outstanding and either generate an annual return for them.
5. Whilst inputting data for the incorporation of a new company, ProSec will immediately highlight any information that is outstanding. This feature ensures that every registration processes is completed fully and error free.
6. As a complete piece of company secretary software, ProSec highlights which actions are yet to be approved by a company director. This feature allows you to ensure each client within your system has a fully functioning chain of command.
7. ProSecˇ¦s cross referential capabilities allow you to track and affect changes in all connected companies. Altering the details of one company in your system will automatically change the details of all the other companies connected to the original entity.
8. With one search you can find out all the companies listed at the same address. This feature of ProSec is not only great for keeping track of all your clientˇ¦s business interests, but allows you to simultaneously change the address data of each entity at the click of a button.
9. Once a document has been prepared, ProSec allows you to print single or multiple files at the same time.
- Overview & Features
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